What neuroscience tells us
Did you try Appreciative Inquiry?
The approach we invited you to try with our previous publication actually has two benefits:
- The first benefit is to get out of the negative spiral that focuses only on what does not work and to shift our focus towards learning how to use and spread largely what we do best. It can reboost a blocked system.
- The second benefit is biological. Focusing ourselves on our positive experiences has a positive benefit on our physiology. We free some neurotransmitters, Oxytocin, that have a major impact on social interactions, and have a positive effect on our perception of connection (of course this presentation is oversimplified – but that’s basically it).
Taking the time to look at what went well is a practice I often suggest to teams at the end of the year, especially after a particularly challenging year when expected results are not fully achieved. It enables the team to identify areas to work on where they are sure to perform well and creates a strong sense of connection within the team.
I invite you to try the approach I encouraged you to undertake with one team member with your whole team this time.
During your team meeting, question your team on what went well the previous week (month, or trimester according to what timeframe seems most relevant to you).
Invite your team members: to remain in a curious mindset, and to explore presented success by asking open questions
To take the time to reflect on what made the success possible, without hesitating to put forward the strengths of the team, the behaviors of mutual support that benefited the team dynamic, …
To explore together what made this specific success possible, and how this could be replicated on a larger scale
To conclude with an action plan to get team members to commit to implement what they identified as possible to replicate
Finish by asking how each team member feels after this exploration.